I came across to this error when I tried to launch the report server url, “The report server was unable to validate the integrity of encrypted data in the database. (rsCannotValidateEncryptedData)” .
I also got the following error when tranna access http://localhost/ReportServer
to deploy a report from Visual studio 2019, it prompts the following.

The easiest solution is just go to the reporting service manager and delete the delete encrypted content or change content now try to connect once more it will be work.

When you try to delete, SSRS Configuration Manager > Encryption Keys > click Delete.
If you get the following error:
Failed to delete the encryption content in the report server database. Please execute the “DeleteEncryptedContent” stored procedure on the database manually.
Open SSMS > Report Server > new query:
exec DeleteEncryptedContent
Restart the service and this must work.