This cheat sheet covers some of the most essential commands you’ll encounter in Linux.
File Management:
- ls: List directory contents. Use ls -l for detailed information.
- pwd: Print your current working directory.
- cd: Change directory. Use cd ~ to go to your home directory.
- mkdir: Create a new directory.
- mv: Move or rename files/directories.
cp: Copy files/directories.
- rm: Delete files/directories (use with caution!).
- touch: Create an empty file.
Basic Operations:
- clear: Clear the terminal screen.
- cat: Display the contents of a file.
- echo: Print text to the terminal.
- man: Access the manual page for a specific command (detailed help).
Permissions and Ownership:
- chmod: Change file/directory permissions.
- chown: Change file/directory ownership.
- ping: Check network connectivity to a host.
- ssh: Securely connect to a remote machine.
- wget: Download a file from the internet.
- curl: Transfer data to or from a server.
Process Management:
- ps: List running processes.
- top: Monitor system processes and resource usage.
- kill: Terminate a process.
Finding Things:
- grep: Search for text patterns within files.
- find: Locate files based on name, criteria, etc.
Help and Information:
- whoami: Show your current username.
- exit: Exit the terminal.
- history: Show command history.
- man – Access manual pages for detailed command help.
- help – Get help on specific built-in shell commands.
– Clear the terminal screen.
This is a basic list. Many more commands exist for specific tasks. Use man
to explore further!